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Decentralized Application

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Product design
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Community building

WallStreetBets is one of the biggest groups on reddit who dominates the investment industry by their opinions and recommendations.

After the GME-Robinhood debacle, WSB community leaders approached us to assist them in challenging the centralized Banking and Financial institutions.Once Wall Street Bets (WSB) decided to enter the crypto market, they also had a token sale coming up. At that time, their main concern was designing its farming module in just one week after the sale started. WSB is more than just a company; it's an entire mindset of doing things and solving problems without worrying about bureaucracy or regulations, of thinking outside-the-box while still staying within legal boundaries.

We were a movement for financial freedom and disruption of how retail and traditional investments were functioning. So we designed a platform for users all over the world to buy stocks borderless with no KYC required - something nobody else could do at that point!

Design Honorable Mention award on Awwwards

Listed on the "12 Best Dark-Themed Websites" by DesignRush


Token sale in a bear market

Presenting an unconventional way to invest in stocks to the world

Gaining trust of investors in new technology 

Adoption of this technology in the traditional investment community

Application of this concept for mass users all over the world.

Legal implications of KYC and of stock exchanges.

Scope of work

Innovation theory’s scope of work included accelerating the token sale for a decentralized stock exchange called WSB, creating an innovative way to invest in stocks without KYC and gaining trust with end users.

However we did not stop at just that, we managed to generate over 30 Million USD in total value locked and now we are heading towards launching an NFT platform with WSB to expand its horizon in the Defi Industry.

A short and long term solution roadmap based on the needs of different stakeholders was defined. This includes raising funds through IDO assistance, liquidity mining modules for locking supply to investors, branding updates community driven governance forums as well as other product features like voting modules that are all tied together by staked assets, Community driven Exchange traded products, Synthetic stock trading.

How we did it

A seamless functionality of your product is important for every company. But we know that the best customer experience isn't just about a quick, painless process. It's also about understanding your customers and their needs in order to provide an environment where they feel comfortable enough to buy from you (or stay with you).

Innovation theory created this product because of our deep knowledge of what it takes to create a feeling of trust through comfort on both sides - theirs as well as ours. We knew we were making a big move in the way how traditional investment system was working and we made sure the transition from traditional to truly decentralized would be smooth for everyone all over the world. 

Innovation theory managed to raise  20 Million TVL in farms, 30X form the public sale Price which was its first flag to mark on the map of the blockchain industry.